Because of the modular structure of LilyPond, it might be possible to obtain what
you describe by moving a number of engravers from the Score level to the
Staff level, but my intuition tells me that it's very likely that you break something fundamental if you really move all spacing related stuff to the Staff level.

So, my guess is that it's best to keep to some kind of mathematical relationship between the staves. Then, the simplest solution is to scale the durations, for example

kleiner = {\set fontSize = #-3}
normal = {\unset fontSize}
\relative <<
{ \kleiner bes8*5/7_\markup {\italic "as fast as possible"} b bes cis s8*8/7 \normal r2 | }
 {\newSpacingSection c4 g' c2 | }

You need some simple math to make the durations match in the end.
For example, in the code above, we have 4 shortened eighth notes that
only take 4*5/7 = 20/7 of the duration of an ordinary eighth note, so to fill half
the measure (4*7/7 = 28/7 eighth note durations) you have to fill in with
(28-20)/7 = 8/7 eighth note durations of spacer notes. Alternatively, you
could also have scaled the duration of the half note correspondingly.

I hope you have read the section on Polymetric notation, which explains
different tricks to use in these situations. For example, I could have
used the \compressMusic function instead of scaling each duration separately. Also, if you read the section on Manual beams, you will find some information
on the \featherDurations function, which cannot only be used together with
feathered beams, but just scales the duration of each of a sequence of notes
so that the total duration remains the same, but the horizontal placement
corresponds to an accelerando or ritardando with the specified ratio between
the duration of the first and last note.


Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Lilypond-Users,
I have a question concerning horizontal space in different staves.
I would like to have the horizontal spacing in the first staff completely independent from the spasing in the second. It means, I don't want to have the 2nd bes at the same time as the g in the second voice.
Is there a possiblitie to reach this aim?
Here a short example:

kleiner = \set fontSize = #-3
normal = \unset fontSize

\relative << { \kleiner bes8_\markup {\italic "as fast as possible"} b bes cis \normal r2 }
   {\newSpacingSection c4 g' c2 } >>

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