Hi all,

just about tore out my hair trying to figure out what was going on - I had a
simple little score for the Danish Amen - wouldn't compile, gave no error
messages in the log.  I had cloned a much larger more complex piece into a
template, then edited to produce this.  Finally, 45 minutes later, after
rebooting, checking for structure line-by-line, stripping out anything I
wasn't using, I finally decided to check my syntax...

...and sure enough, I had entered a chord as ees/bes4 instead of ees4/bes.
Fixed that and it worked great.

I've been relying on LP's log files to tell me when I'm messing up the
syntax.  Once bitten twice shy, I guess.  But still, even if it's a low
priority fix for you all, it seems like syntax errors like these should be
caught and reported in the log.  So I'm reporting here, and hoping someone
will agree it's a bug and add it to the bug list.

I'll paste the files below.  They're pretty small, but larger than your
typical snippet:

---begin ly file---

\version "2.11.36"#
(set-global-staff-size 13)
pipeSymbol = \bar "|"
\header {
title = "Danish Amen"
composer = "trad"
arranger = "."
poet = "."
source = "public domain composition"
copyright = "."
style = "acclamation"
maintainer = "Jay Ricketts"
maintainerEmail = "jay.ricketts (at) gmail.com"
lastupdated = "2008/Jan"
footer = "2008/1/28-1244"
mychords= \chordmode {
ees2 bes c:min g:min f:min/aes ees/bes4 bes:7 ees1

sopranoNotes = \relative {
 \time 4/4
 \key ees \major \clef treble \set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
\bar ".|"
g'2 f ees d c4 f ees d ees1
\bar "|."
altoNotes = \relative {
 \time 4/4
 \key ees \major \clef treble \set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
ees2 d c bes aes4 c bes ~ bes bes1
tenorNotes = \relative {
 \time 4/4
 \key ees \major \clef bass \set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
bes2 bes g g  f4 aes g aes g1
bassNotes = \relative {
 \time 4/4
 \key ees \major \clef bass \set Staff.midiInstrument = "voice oohs"
verseOne = \lyricmode {
A -- men, a -- men, a - - - men.
\score { {
\new ChordNames \mychords
\context Staff = TrebStaff
\context Voice = SVoice {    \voiceOne \sopranoNotes     }
\context Voice = AVoice {    \voiceTwo \altoNotes    }
\context Lyrics = verseone \lyricsto SVoice \verseOne
\context Staff = BassStaff
\context Voice = TVoice {    \voiceOne \tenorNotes    }
\context Voice = BVoice {    \voiceTwo \bassNotes    }
>> }  \layout {      \paper {
     system-count = #1
} }

---end ly file---

---begin log file---

# -*-compilation-*-
Changing working directory to: `C:/Documents and
Processing `C:/Documents and Settings/mibjrr0/Desktop/LPFiles/Danish Amen.ly

---end log file---

Oh, and thanks again for a really great program.


Jay Ricketts
Music Director
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Romeo, MI
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