On Sun, 03 Feb 2008 22:55:21 -0700
Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Umm, the first example?  It shows you how to use #'bound-details.
> >   
> I don't see how to use that to get a flat, sharp or natural to appear.

The same way you normaly get a flat, sharp, or a natural to appear
in markup.

> > You're trying to use a special tweak from an old version in an
> > UNSTABLE version of lilypond.  Unfortunately you need to get more
> > familiar with these steps if you want to convert special tweaks.
> >   
> Are you saying
> 1. that you have answered my question above?
> 2. I have more to learn to understand this?
> 3. ?

#2 and #3.  This problem arose -- I think; I haven't actually
looked at the problem -- because the syntax for text spanners
changed between 2.10 and 2.11.  I gave you the general steps on
how to solve the problem.

If you want to do fancy stuff in lilypond, you need to learn about
how it works.  LM 3-4 in the 2.11.38 docs gives a great
introduction to this.

If you want to do translate fancy stuff from one version of
lilypond into fancy stuff in another version of lilypond, you need
to learn even more about how lilypond works.  See the News page
for more info about this.

- Graham

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