Hi Valentin,
I will post my snippet.
I have, however, other questions regarding recorder notation:
1) is it possible to center a markup over an analysis bracket? I'm
manually moving it using \translate within the markup.
2) I don't know how to notate "+" and "o" signs commonly used for
french horn notation  for open and bouché sounds (this would
correspond on the recorder notation to "open and close window hole"),
is there a way commonly used by lilyponders?



> Hi Libero,
> go ahead and post your snippet! Then I'll see if it needs any
> improvements. Your code is fine; perhaps you may want to post several
> snippets more simple, e.g. "How to obtain slashed fingering numbers",
> "How to write a Recorder fingering chart", etc. It's preferable to
> make it simple and short, so that each snippet deals with *one* single
> specific issue.
> Cheers,
> Valentin

Libero Mureddu
Vanha Viertotie, 21 as 417
00350 Helsinki

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