I need to typeset a figured bass/organo part with the figures _above_ the bassline. I do this, by simply placing the FiguredBass context between the two staves of the organo part. The problem is, however, that the figures are still vertically aligned to the top. I tried setting BassFigureAlignment.stacking-dir to #up, which aligns the numbers properly to the bottom, but unfortunately also reverses the order of the figures, i.e. placing the <3> of the last chord in the attached example on top and the <6> at the bottom. To clarify even more, the result should look something like this:

     5  4
  2  3  3

Any ideas, how I can easily align the bass figures to the bottom baseline without reversing the stacking direction?


\version "2.11.37"

\context PianoStaff = "Organo" {
    \context Staff = "Organo Discanto" {
      \relative c' {
        \clef "treble"
        \key f \major
        \time 4/4
        <d g bes>4 <d g bes> <e g bes> <f g bes> |
    \context FiguredBass = "Organo Numeri" {
      \figuremode {
        <_>4 <2> <5 3> <6 4 3> |
    \context Staff = "Organo Basso" {
      \relative c' {
        \clef "bass"
        \key f \major
        \time 4/4
        g4 f e d |

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