If you, in the before mentioned Turkish makam example
put the code below, it shold generate MIDI as well.

  Hans Åberg

melody = \relative {

  \override Accidental #'glyph-name-alist =  \makamGlyphs

  \override Staff.KeySignature #'glyph-name-alist = \makamGlyphs
  \set Staff.keySignature =  #'(
    (3 .  4/9)
    (6 . -1/9))

  c cc db fk gbm gfc gfb efk dfbm

\score {
  \new Staff \melody
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

On 10 Feb 2008, at 11:04, neuro wrote:

Is it possible, for example, after a piece (of lilypond code) is written,
I'd like to hear it played, from Lilypond midi,
with different tuning systems, (and perhaps with different A pitch, if I prefer), or, whereas it is said that the major 3rd (of any given major chord, in a tonic piece,) should be lowered (from 12-equal temperament point of "listening"), I'd like to experience the difference early, as lilypond midi plays.

If so, how?

Where do I put the n-ET things in code?

thank you vrey much

skype: neuroh
icq 2224697

----- Original Message ----- From: "Hans Aberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "neuro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: specific temperament and pitch

On 10 Feb 2008, at 10:31, neuro wrote:

Since there are possible different tuning systems (for example, 12- equaal temperament, just intonation, etc), and tuning pitch (for example, A=440, 442 etc.)
is it possible to assign specific pitches to specific notes,
in Lilypond.

By some funny coincidence, except for the tuning pitch, I just asked
help to fix this for n-ET (see other thread). The current state of
the matter, is that you can produce n = multiples 12 - see the
Turkish makam example in "Snippets", "Pitches" (search for "micro").

In general, if the Western staff line system and key signatures
should be interpreted as pitches, then it must be a true diatonic
scale. A scale like the Just Intonation defined by rational intervals
is in reality tritonic, made up of a minor second m, and two majors
seconds of different sizes. So it is probably better to find an n-ET
approximation, such as 31-ET, or notate it with intermediate pitches
against a true diatonic scale, like in the Sagittal music notation

  Hans Åberg

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