Hi Werner,

% works, but very very laborious

Not sure why you think your solution is particularly "laborious"...?
Once you put the code into a variable, it seems pretty easy to me -- see example below.

[Of course, you could further abstract this into a Scheme function that takes a parameter for the text, but that's even more work, at least to set up the first time...]


\version "2.10.33"

fone = ^\markup { \hspace #0 \fermataMarkup "1." }
ftwo = ^\markup { \hspace #0 \fermataMarkup "2." }
fthree = ^\markup { \hspace #0 \fermataMarkup "3." }

\relative c'
        \clef G
        \time 3/2
        \key g \minor    % \key bes \major
        \partial 4
        \repeat "volta" 2
                d'4 |
                c cis d d8( c) bes4.\ftwo bes8 |
                a \noBeam g f \noBeam g es4. d8 d2^\fthree |
                r8 g fis g a2 bes4^\fone

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