Op zaterdag 16 februari 2008, schreef Francesco Guglie:
> Alle giovedì 14 febbraio 2008, Wilbert Berendsen ha scritto:
> > Op donderdag 14 februari 2008, schreef Larry Kent:
> > > The site says if you want to preview pdf files, you need KPDF, but
> > > there's no button (that I can see) for downloading that.  What am I
> > > missing? -LK
> >
> > KPDF is part of KDE (kdegraphics). When you have KDE you almost sure also
> > have KPDF ;-)
> >
> > best regards,
> > Wilbert Berendsen
> Than you very much for your work! I'm a KDE (and Kate) user, and even if I
> wasn't able to try your new plugin (Paté, for some unknown reason, don't
> want to get compiled on my 64-bit opensuse 10.3...), I'm using your
> previous script, the one loading kate when clicking on a hyperlink in kpdf.
> On this regard, I have a problem with kpdf when I use it with
> lilypond-produced pdfs: even if I've checked the "watch file" option in the
> configuration window, pdfs are not reloaded when compiled again. I'm sorry
> to bother you, but if you have some explanation or solution to this, I'll
> be very grateful.

When LilyPond (or ghostscript) writes the PDF, the old file is deleted and 
then a new one is created with the same name (I found this out by looking at 
the inode number).

It seems to me that KPDF most times looses the 'watch' on a file when it is 
removed, even if it is recreated a short while after. 

The embedded KPDF preview is therefore told to reopen the document each time 
LIlyPond has run.

The best solution would be to fix KPDF so that it keeps looking for the file, 
even if it reappears after having been deleted.

w best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
        -- Mahatma Gandi

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