Ledocq-Boccart wrote:

I'm managing converting  a *-midi.ly from 2.7.18  to 2.10.33
*-midi.ly is stored in "C:\...\Lilypond\usr\bin".
It's not a good idea to use this folder as your working directory!
Please see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2007-01/msg00038.html
for an example of how to use convert-ly.
No answer found in the forums about the use of convert-ly
Where did you look?
Environment: is Lilypond 2.10.33 running on win XP.
Formerly produced files *-midi.pdf, *-midi.ps and *-midi.log are erased.

_1. using convert-ly:_
typing    "C:\...\bin\convert-ly --from=2.7.18 --to=2.10.33 *-midi.ly"
There's no need to specify the full path, see the link above.
produces (?)   *-midi.ly    which version remains 2.7.18 (reading
with jedit);
applying     lilypond.exe   gives:
*-midi.pdf            with unchanged scores
*-midi-log no important error but again recommanding to use convert-ly ...2.7.18 ... (2.7.38 2.10.33)

- Have I missed something?
Don't forget the flag -e if you want the changes to be done on the file. This
is shown on the first lines in the section on convert-ly in the manual.
- I wonder which syntax to be used fot specifying the --from and --to version: --help shows 2 possibilities as in " ... convert-ly --from=2.5.10 --to 2.10.33 foo.ly" example given
The best is to always have a \version statement in the .ly file. Then, there's no
need to manually specify the --from and -too.


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