2008/2/18, Philip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Is it possible to type-set the old bass clef?
Yes it is. I took the .svg file in your example, converted it to postscript, changed a bit the code, and here you are: { \once \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override Staff.Clef #'text = \markup \postscript #"-1 2 translate 0.05 -0.05 scale 0 0 0 setrgbcolor [] 0 setdash 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 0 setlinecap gsave [1 0 0 1 0 0] concat gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath 76.702387 30.449969 moveto 76.702387 33.50094 74.229087 35.97424 71.178116 35.97424 curveto 68.127146 35.97424 65.653845 33.50094 65.653845 30.449969 curveto 65.653845 27.398998 68.127146 24.925698 71.178116 24.925698 curveto 74.229087 24.925698 76.702387 27.398998 76.702387 30.449969 curveto 76.702387 30.449969 lineto closepath eofill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath 76.702387 51.484699 moveto 76.702387 54.53567 74.229087 57.00897 71.178116 57.00897 curveto 68.127146 57.00897 65.653845 54.53567 65.653845 51.484699 curveto 65.653845 48.433728 68.127146 45.960428 71.178116 45.960428 curveto 74.229087 45.960428 76.702387 48.433728 76.702387 51.484699 curveto 76.702387 51.484699 lineto closepath eofill grestore gsave 0 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath 27.196415 45.323004 moveto 36.332711 55.309187 53.930464 41.604737 43.131814 30.449965 curveto 33.69562 20.70258 20.588738 34.057939 20.184839 42.135924 curveto 19.706777 51.697164 28.60023 64.061703 41.219566 62.745707 curveto 52.460143 61.573493 63.576527 52.78186 62.466765 36.611652 curveto 61.52705 23.099094 48.2047 15.526401 35.907766 16.214341 curveto 28.311893 16.639285 19.389584 18.866229 13.810679 32.149741 curveto 7.6983781 46.703281 5.9317835 65.130659 18.485063 76.98133 curveto 32.720686 90.420184 60.660411 88.234774 72.877892 67.420091 curveto 74.298671 64.999538 73.1966 62.108291 70.115757 65.507843 curveto 65.623633 70.464671 57.420556 77.937454 47.806198 76.768858 curveto 35.48352 75.271074 28.040234 73.444992 20.609783 61.683347 curveto 8.4394507 42.418954 21.594009 24.303731 31.870798 21.101197 curveto 43.291168 17.542291 58.683397 24.261753 58.642269 41.498508 curveto 58.623997 49.156509 49.505973 58.602503 40.58215 58.496267 curveto 32.663318 58.401995 26.558999 52.33458 27.196415 45.323004 curveto closepath eofill grestore grestore" \clef bass f1} Of course, if you use a different staff- or font-size, you'll have to change the translate and scale instructions at the beginning of the code. Cheers, Valentin _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user