Hi Till

Might the tempo indication and metronome marks be better placed in the Rhythm 
section?  If you think so let me know, as I'm working on Rhythms right now.

Trevor D

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+t.daniels=treda.co.u
> Till Rettig
> Sent: 24 February 2008 13:19
> To: lilypond-user Mailinglist
> Subject: GDP: staff section
> Hi GDP-helpers!
> I started now finally with the staff section of NR1.
> As with the repeat section, I would also suggest 
> some new grouping.
> The order of the section is now the following:
> # 1.6 Staff notation
>     * 1.6.1 Displaying staves
>           o System start delimiters
>           o Staff symbol
>           o Hiding staves
>     * 1.6.2 Writing parts
>           o Metronome marks
>           o Instrument names
>           o Quoting other voices
>           o Formatting cue notes
> I was first wondering why "writing parts" is here 
> at all, but I guess 
> this should not be discussed too broad now, 
> because it had been 
> discuessed when we decided about the GDP chapter 
> order. I was just 
> thinking that "combining parts" and "writing 
> parts" would be together 
> something like a "orchestral" chapter -- even 
> though you use it also in 
> chamber music and the like. So I hope this 
> grouping as it now is is 
> intuitive enough to a new user that he figures 
> out where to look for.
> The 1.6.1 section is really unevenly distributed 
> over the three 
> subsubsections, I was thinking of introducing a 
> new subsection: 
> modifying staves which would contain most of 
> 6.1.1 and 6.1.2
> So the new section model could be:
> 1.6 Staff notation
>     1.6.1 Displaying/writing/setting staves
> Initiating a new staff (short 
> basics, also one sentence 
> about \new and \context, here should also go the 
> example about starting 
> stopping additional staves)
> Grouping staves (about system 
> start delimiters
>        (maybe: Deeper nesting of staff groups)
>     1.6.2 Modifying staves
> Staff symbol, (and how to modify 
> the different parameters)
> Ossia staves
> Hiding staves
>     1.6.3 Writing parts
>        ...
> I have concentrated for now on this part leaving 
> the parts section 
> alone, I want to come back to it only when the 
> first part is in better 
> condition.
> There are still some general questions for the 
> parts section for which I 
> would like to hear some feedback:
> -Why is the metronome mark described here? It 
> applies as well to a whole 
> score (where it would be agreedly on the top 
> stave...), and I think it 
> should go together with a general description on 
> how to write tempo 
> indications (and also with a workaround to align 
> the indication with the 
> key or the meter, not with the first note of the 
> first bar). Where could 
> this section go?
> It is currently discussed in text marks,, 
> but meant to write 
> rehearsal marks, not tempo indications.
> -I think it is actually almost a bug in lilypond 
> that there is no easy 
> way to center the beginning of a tempo 
> indictation on the key symbol, so 
> I think it is important to provide at least an 
> workaround clearly marked 
> as such for this purpose.
> -We see the parts section as the sections that 
> explains everything 
> general about single parts -- so in this sense 
> the metronome mark 
> belongs here and also the tempo indication. But 
> to me (and my German 
> ears) the section caption points at preparing 
> parts for each instrument 
> of a bigger score. So I think we should change 
> this section's caption. 
> Ideas?
> -To me there is a distinction between the two 
> first subsubsections 
> (metronome marks and instrument names) and the 
> two last (quoting voices 
> and cue notes): the first two I would see more 
> generally apllying to 
> staves for each instrument/voice, the two last 
> are what I understand by 
> the word "part", mainly concerned about the case 
> where one has only 
> one's own part and needs to get some context into 
> it. So I could even 
> imagine still a new subsection:
> 1.6.3 Additions to specific staves
> tempo indication
> metronome mark
> instrument name
> 1.6.4 Adding context to a single part
> quoting
> cue notes
> But this is only a first thought.
> Greetings
> Till
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