Please always tell what LilyPond version you use. A possibly related bug
was fixed in version 2.11.40 or 2.11.41.


Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Lilypond-users,
I don't know why, but in the below quoted example is the pedal bracket shorter than expected. I find it strange, that it works fine with text-stylle pedal.
How can I solve the problem?

re = \change Staff = rechts
li = \change Staff = links
standardped = { \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'style = #'bracket \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed }

rechts = \relative c { \repeat "unfold" 2 {
\clef bass r2 r4 r8 s8 e16~ e2... }}
links = \relative c, {\clef bass r2 r4 r8 \standardped
\context Voice = "A"<< { \times 4/5 {< ais! ais'! >32\p\< ( cis! \re f a! c\! ) }|
     \li R1} {s8 \sustainDown s16 s2... \sustainUp } >>
     \clef bass r2 r4 r8 \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'text
\context Voice = "A"<< { \times 4/5 {< ais,! ais'! >32\p\< ( cis! \re f a! c\! ) }|
     \li R1} {s8 \sustainDown s16 s2... \sustainUp } >>
\score {
     \new PianoStaff
<< \new Staff = "rechts" \rechts
 \new Staff = "links" \links >>

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
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        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
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