hi ivo,

On Feb 29, 2008, at 3:45 PM, Ivo Bouwmans wrote:
There is a very simple solution, which can be found on:

I asked for a link on the Lilypond download page, just to avoid problems like Claude is experiencing, and I don't know why no link has been made yet... Does the development team have any objections to my LilypondScript? Please let me know!

i know this isn't very nice of me, but i'm going to disagree with "simple" here. here are the reasons:

step 2:
forcing me to use ~/Documents/LilypondFiles for ALL my lilypond files is a no-go. any larger project i work on has multiple lilypond files and gets its own directory in


step 4:
open the script and edit it by hand in scripteditor? for every single different lilypond file i ever want to compile? no thank you.

btw, in leopard, preview automagically updates the view if the file changes, so you don't really need to close preview...

otoh, in TeXShop (or JEdit, or whichever other editor you use which integrates nicely with lilypond), you can save the files whereever you want and compiling them is as simple as pressing a button or a key combination.

so, both approaches require some fancy footwork to get you started, but i feel that using texshop or jedit is the far more intuitive.

please don't misunderstand me, i think your approach an interesting one, but the usability is a bit lacking.


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