Am Montag, 3. März 2008 schrieben Sie:
> I added a warning in the snippet's source-code as a comment.
> However, this snippet was already tagged as version-specific, so it
> means we were already officially aware that it had some limitations.

Well, the LSR insiders are aware of it, not the users, because the LSR does 
not display the version-specific tag! To the user it looks just fine on LSR, 
but doesn't work locally if they use 2.11...

> > I absolutely agree. Quite often, I save a snippet on disk to have it
> > available online, only to stumble upon it a few weeks/months later. Of
> > course, at that time, I have no idea any more about the lilypond version
> > needed for the snippet (and at that time, the LSR page will not help,
> > either). If I'm online, I can search the LSR again, but if I'm on a train
> > or otherwise offline, I have no way to get a correct version of the
> > snippet.
> In some cases you can update it using convert-ly, but I agree most of
> the time it is not quite perfect.

Sure, but that was not my point. My point was that I have no idea of which 
version this snippet was written for (if I saved it to disk a few months 
ago...), since it doesn't contain any version. So, running convert-ly on it 
is not possible.

> As a matter of fact, the LSR has never been as "official" as it is
> now. I already submitted the idea that we should have in fact two
> version of the snippets, one marked as stable and one unstable, 

Well, we don't really need this. We only need an indication for the user, 
which version of lilypond should be used. Otherwise we'll regularly get 
questions on lilypond-user, why a snippet does not work...

Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",

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