>>>>> "Graham" == Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Graham> The above points are possibly with a macro: instead of simply
Graham> moltorit = \markup{ \italics molto rit }

The point is that for the Artemis competition we have to start with
unmodified Lilypond input.  So we have to recognise, say
        c'^"rit." or c'^"rall" etc., and convert to \tempo 4=60 or

I think I can do that.

The hard dynamics one is that at present to notate a smooth
crescendo/decrescendo on a single note you have to do something like:

<< { c'1 } \\
   {s16\pp \< s4. \! s16 \ff \s16 \> s4. \! s16 \pp } >>

because there's no appropriate language construct.

That creates a new voice, and attaches the dynamics to it instead
of to the note.  To produce good midi output, you need to change this
to something like,

{ c16 \pp \< ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 \! ~ c16 \ff ~ c16 \>
~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 ~ c16 \! ~ c16 \pp }

and even that doesn't give as smooth a transition as one would like.
Any ideas?

Dr Peter Chubb  http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au  peterc AT gelato.unsw.edu.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au           ERTOS within National ICT Australia

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