Ah, I set extraNatural to false (which isn't a detail I mentioned before),
and then (after remembering to put it in each voice) I get exactly what I
want.  Fantastic.



(sorry if this is the second copy I sent to you dude; I've not used gmail
with mailing lists before  )

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Rune Zedeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stephen Lavelle skrev:
> > So  { c cs cs c }  would, when rendered, have a sharps on the two middle
> > notes, and a natural on the fourth.
> Something like this:
> \version "2.10.20"
> myAccidentals = {
>   \set Staff.autoAccidentals = #'(
>        Staff
>        (same-octave . -1)
>        (same-octave . 0) )
> }
> \relative c'' {
>   \myAccidentals
>   c4 cis cis8 cis c c
> }
> ?
> Unfortunately the internals documentation of the property
> autoAccidentals is currently wrong. I'll look into it.
> -Rune
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