Hi All,

Last week I sent a mail with some flamenco notations. Since then, I've
been playing around a little (the result is just too big to attach; it's
at http://vaneyck.terra-terra.com/flamenco.pdf).
The inline lilypond code uses the attached flamenco.ly.
It contains a simple up-down stroke with the index, a 3- and 4- finger
rasqueado, an abanico and an alzapua.

Question to all Flamenco guitarists/Lilypond users; what's your opinion
about this notation?

For all who can help me further a few questions:
- I want to use symbols like:
iUp   = \markup{i}^\rtoe 
iDown = \markup{i}^\rtoe
to make notating a bit shorter, but the ^\ltoe and ^\rtoe are not
accepted here. Should I use a different syntax?

- The text "Abanico" should be above the 'p x i' indications. How can I
achieve that? An override extra-offset does not seem accepted between

- Same with the golpe symbol; it should always appear above the 'p', but
sometimes it's below and collides with the 'p'.

- Last but not least; the figures appear quite often in a flamenco
piece, so I'ld prefer to have some function that allows me to enter e.g.
\rasgueado3 { <a e' a cis e>16 }.
I found the "Music function" section in the docs, but if I understand
this chapter correct, that works only for layout and can't take pieces
of music (in the case a chord) as an argument.
Am I wrong?

Here's my testcode:

\version "2.11.41"

\include "flamenco.ly"

%iUp   = \markup{i}^\rtoe 
%iDown = \markup{i}^\rtoe

part = \relative c' {
%  <a, e' a cis e>8^\iUp
%  <a e' a cis e>8^\iDown
  <a, e' a cis e>8^\rtoe^\markup{i}
  <a e' a cis e>8^\ltoe^\markup{i}
  <a e' a cis e>16^\rtoe^\markup{a}
  <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{m}
        <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{i}
        <a e' a cis e>^\ltoe^\markup{i}~
  <a e' a cis e>2


  % Tuplet number should be set transparent, since the
  % headsOff is in the tuplet.
  \once \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 4/5 {
    <a e' a cis e>16^\rtoe^\markup{\small x}
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{\small a}
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{\small m}
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{\small i}
    <a e' a cis e>^\ltoe^\markup{\small i}~
  <a e' a cis e>2

  % Tuplet number should be set transparent, since the
  % headsOff is in the tuplet.
  \once \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 2/3 {
    <a e' a cis e>8^\ltoe^\markup{p}^\abanico
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{x}
                <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{i}

  % And again, since headsOn makes it visible again
  \once \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 2/3 {
                <a e' a cis e>8^\ltoe^\markup{p}
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{x}
                <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe^\markup{i}

  \once \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 2/3 {
    <a e' a cis e>8^\ltoe
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe
  \once \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 2/3 {
    <a e' a cis e>8^\ltoe
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe
    <a e' a cis e>^\rtoe

  \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
  \times 2/3 {
                <e' a>^\rtoe^\golpe^\markup{p}
                <e a>^\ltoe^\markup{p}
        \times 2/3 {
                <e' a>^\rtoe^\golpe
                <e a>^\ltoe
        \times 2/3 {
                <e' a>^\rtoe^\golpe^\markup{p}
                <e a>^\ltoe^\markup{p}
        \times 2/3 {
                <e' a>^\rtoe^\golpe
                <e a>^\ltoe
  \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##f

\score {
        \new StaffGroup <<
                \context Staff=part <<
                        \clef G
                        \transpose c c'
                \context TabStaff {
                ragged-right = ##t

Thanks in advance,
\version "2.11.41"

abanico   = \markup{\italic Abanico}
rasgueaso = \markup{\italic Ras.}
alzapua   = \markup{\italic Alzapua}

golpe = \markup {
  \postscript #"
  0.2 setlinewidth
  0 0 moveto
  1 0 lineto
  1 1 lineto
  \postscript #"
  0.1      setlinewidth
  -0.6 0   moveto
  -0.6 1.1 lineto
  0.5 1.1 lineto

  headsOff = {
    \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##t
    \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##t
    \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
    \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##t

  headsOn = {
    \override TupletNumber #'transparent = ##f
    \override TabNoteHead #'transparent = ##f
    \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##f
    \override NoteHead #'no-ledgers = ##f
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