Op woensdag 26 maart 2008, schreef Wolfgang Mechsner:
> uups, it doesn't help me really, I am sorry -  or I'm understanding
> something wrong .
> My problem:
> 1. In Gvim I compile a *.ly file somewhere in a directory. I use F5 to
> compile it.
> 2. The output files (*.ps an *pdf) are always in root directory

I think this is because gvim does not change directory to the directory the 
*.ly file is in.

if you are in /home and call 'lilypond --pdf /home/bach/organ/prelude-1.ly' 
then lilypond puts the output files in /home instead of /home/bach/organ/ .

I once sent a patch to -devel to correct this, but a problem is that some 
other tools are possibly dependent on this behaviour...

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

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