OS 10.4.11, PPC, Lilypond 2.11.44 & 2.11.45
Platforms: iMac G4 1GHZ and PowerBook G4 1.67 MHz

Lilypond v. 2.11.44-1 and 2.11.45-1 quits on loading.

v2.11.43-2 loads and runs as expected on both machines.

A (partial) crash report from the PowerBook is below:

Version: 2.11.45-1
 (Build from Sat Apr 26 00:40:44 2008)

PID:    452
Thread: 0

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libSystem.B.dylib           0x9012cab0 _malloc_initialize + 1016
1   libSystem.B.dylib           0x900163e8 malloc_default_zone + 44
2   libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a3da30 _objc_internal_zone + 108
3   libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a3d980 _objc_init_class_hash + 48
4   libobjc.A.dylib             0x90a3d030 map_images + 96
5 dyld 0x8fe0f5bc ImageLoaderMachO::doNotification (dyld_image_mode, unsigned, dyld_image_info const*) + 108 6 dyld 0x8fe035c4 dyld::notifyAdding (std::vector<ImageLoader*, std::allocator<ImageLoader*> >&) + 260 7 dyld 0x8fe0dc4c ImageLoader::link (ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, ImageLoader::BindingLaziness, ImageLoader::InitializerRunning, unsigned) + 324 8 dyld 0x8fe04070 dyld::link(ImageLoader*, ImageLoader::BindingLaziness, ImageLoader::InitializerRunning) + 380 9 dyld 0x8fe089cc addImage(void*, char const*, bool, bool, bool, bool) + 180
10  libSystem.B.dylib           0x9004b710 NSAddImage + 96
11  org.lilypond.lilypond       0x000067b4 main + 76
12  org.lilypond.lilypond       0x000018a4 start + 68

I don't recall seeing any postings about this, but may have missed them. A check of the list archives was not helpful.

I noted that 2.11.43 and 2.11.44 approximately doubled in size.

Any suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated.



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