On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 22:20 +1000, Kim Bastin wrote:
> What's the override for moving the ends of a hairpin horizontally? I 
> need to start one a little to the right of its default position because 
> it collides with a cross-staffed note. But I can only find information 
> about moving hairpins vertically. 

Probably the easiest method is to attach the hairpin to spacer notes in
a second voice:

<< { c'4 d' e' f' g'1 } \\ { s8 s8\< s2. s1\! } >>

You can adjust the duration of the first spacer note to move the
left-hand end of the hairpin. 

I also can't find a direct interface for horizontally adjusting just one
end of a hairpin.

PS: Hi Kim, haven't seen you for years... how's Melbourne?

Mark Knoop

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