Dear Rune,
months ago You have been so kind texplain me a very useful scheme-fuction,
which can save a lot of type setting. I used it many times, but now there is
something, I don't understand:
Why does the first  snippet work quite well, and the second not? Off course,
it must have to do with the chords, but is there a possibilitie to do it
with the chords?
In the attachment is the slightly modified scheme-code. I call it ""
%%%%%%%% First EXAMPLE %%%%%%%%%%%
 \include ""
 \motiv #'pausi {c'8 r4 r8 d' r8 d' r e' r4 r8 }
 global = { \time 12/8 }
 rechts = \relative { \global \pausi {c d e } \pausi { d e f }  \pausi { e f
g } }
 links = { \global \clef bass c1. b, c }
 \version "2.11.47"
\score {
\new PianoStaff = "Klavier"
        \new Staff= "rechts" { \rechts }
           \new Staff = "links" \with {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t }
    { \links} >>

 %%%%%%% second example %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\include ""
 \motiv #'pausi {<c'8 e g> r4 r8 d' r8 d' r fis' r4 r8 }
 global = { \time 12/8 }
 rechts = \relative { \global \pausi {<c e g> d fis }  }
 links = { \global \clef bass c1. }
 \version "2.11.47"
\score {
\new PianoStaff = "Klavier"
        \new Staff= "rechts" { \rechts }
           \new Staff = "links" \with {
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'keep-fixed-while-stretching = ##t }
    { \links} >>
%%%%%% end of second example

Description: Binary data

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