Op donderdag 5 juni 2008, schreef stefanozanobini:
> I'm looking for the best text editor in Linux for Lilypond usage.
> I suppose Kwrite is quite good, it gives me clearly the structure of a .ly
> file (with colors and bolds), but not always.
> Is there a text editor with a specific and complete extensive lilypond
> hilighter?

A recent KWrite or Kate (from KDE 3.5.8 or 3.5.9) should have quite good 
syntax highlighting. For older Kate versions, you can download the updated 
syntax definitions for LilyPond from 
http://www.kate-editor.org/syntax/2.5/lilypond.xml .  Put the file in 
~/.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/ (create the directory if it does not 
exist) and restart Kate.

There is also a special LilyPond plugin for Kate named LilyKDE (I wrote it 
myself :-) with features such as a quick score wizard and "live" note entry 
using Rumor and a MIDI keyboard (or your computer keyboard). It runs in Kate 
(not KWrite) and it can be found at http://lilykde.googlecode.com/ . LilyKDE 
also contains even more up-to-date syntax highlighting.

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

LilyKDE, LilyPond for KDE: http://lilykde.googlecode.com/

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