Hi Frederick,

In the following extract, the slur from b to a is too high. Is there a
remedy for this?

You can always use #'extra-offset to move it.

Also, why are the quaver rests so high?
Do I have to write c8\rest or something for each one?

See the docs on "explicitly instantiating voices" (or whatever it is now) to see what you were doing wrong -- this should get you on the right track:

slurFix = \once \override Slur #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -1)
        \relative c'
                r8 <d b' d> r8\<
                        { \voiceTwo \slurFix <d_~ b'>^( <d a'>)\![ c] }
                        \new Voice { \voiceOne d' ~ d16( c a g) \bar "||" }

Hope this helps!

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