Le 17 juil. 08 à 16:16, Eric Knapp a écrit :
I am using this approach with good results. I know the music
expression I want to create. I just need to be able to catch music
expressions so that I can get the fingering number that the user
entered. Then I can create the correct note based on the fingering.
With code like this:
\override Fingering #'stencil = #custom-fingerings %<-- a function
But this comes too late.
I would do the following: write a music function which, when
a ChordEvent containing a NoteEvent and a FingeringEvent, makes to
appropriate changes.
\stickify { a''4-2 }
< \tweak #'style #'triangle a'' >4
This can be done the following way (note that this won't work properly
with chords -- that would require some easy modifications):
#(define (stickify-music music)
(if (eqv? (ly:music-property music 'name) 'EventChord)
(let ((note #f)
(fingering #f)
(other-elements (list)))
(for-each (lambda (elt)
(cond ((eqv? (ly:music-property elt 'name)
(set! note elt))
((eqv? (ly:music-property elt 'name)
(set! fingering elt))
(set! other-elements
(cons elt other-elements)))))
(ly:music-property music 'elements))
(if (and note fingering)
;; change the note head
(set! (ly:music-property note 'tweaks)
(cons (cons 'style
(case (ly:music-property fingering
((1) 'triangle)
((2) 'xcircle)
((3) 'cross)
(else 'default)))
(ly:music-property note 'tweaks)))
;; remove the fingering
(set! (ly:music-property music 'elements)
(cons note other-elements))))))
stickify =
#(define-music-function (parser location music) (ly:music?)
(music-map stickify-music music))
\stickify { c'-1 d'-2 e'-3 f' }
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