(Sorry, forgot GNU lists don't set Reply-To, so sent this to Mr. Hammar
off-list by accident. Reposting to the list for the benefit of the

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:53:03PM +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
> Daniel:
> > Why not? I find myself wanting to go into two (or three) voices and back 
> > again very frequently when typesetting percussion parts, and the 'right' 
> > way is far too long-winded - often it would be longer than the music it 
> > encloses. I always use the method given in the second example in NR 
> > Percussion Staves, i.e. explicitly instantiating the voices 
> > beforehand and using \\, in combination with skip-of-length. Does this
> That is strange, why do you need to do the \new DrumVoice-lines in 
> drummode? Example of

I don't know, but without those lines the effect is that each voice gets
to be on its own staff, only the first of which is in drum mode. I guess
that \\ creates the needed Voice contexts if they don't already exist,
but uses the default Voice rather than DrumVoice, which is then
'rejected' by the DrumStaff, pushing the voices out into separate

It sort of makes sense if I think about it as a programmer, but as a
user it's pretty annoying behaviour, especially as the first time I came
to do it it took a few hours of flicking between pages in the manual to
work out the appropriate incantation, and to find the skip-of-length

> > count as the right way, or is it still the wrong way? As a user, it 
> > would be much easier for me to just be able to tell Lilypond once that 
> > I'm doing drums, and then just put the music in, without using any kind 
> > of "method" at all.
> Ok, what happens if you replace the bd4 sn4 etc. with the snares from
> last example of ? By doing it this way, a tie is missing:

Isn't the missing tie just the usual "ties can't cross voices" problem?
I tend to work around that by the trick of 'hoisting' one end of the tie
into the other voice, replacing it with a space in its original voice.
So, in your example

>       \version "2.11.52"
>       \new DrumStaff <<
>         \new DrumVoice = "1" { s1 *2 }
>         \new DrumVoice = "2" { s1 *2 }
>         \drummode {
>           sn16 sn8 sn16 sn8 sn8:32~ sn8 sn8 sn4:32~ |
>           <<
>             { \repeat unfold 16 hh16 }
>             \\
>             { sn4 sn8 sn16 sn16 sn4 r4  }
>           >>
>         }
>       >>

the relevant lines become

    sn16 sn8 sn16 sn8 sn8:32~ sn8 sn8
      { s4 | \repeat unfold 16 hh16 }
      { sn4:32 ~ | sn4 sn8 sn16 sn16 sn4 r4  }

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