
    first thing -- thank you all who makes lilypond better and better :-)

    It is fantastic :-)
    (after some finale and a lot of plain musixtex)

    Well, i run into a problem with ending volta -- see file attached,
    ending volta continued after line break, but this continuation
    disappears if i uncomment additional staves (see \score { ... }
    section). So, there is no ending volta continuation after line break
    if i have more than one staff... or, probably, problem is somewehere
    in another place.

    Sorry for, probably, too verbose example.

    What's wrong? -- please, help.

  _,-=._              /|_/|
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     `._ _,-.   )      _,.-'
        `    G.m-"^m`m'        Dmytro O. Redchuk

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