Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmillan <at>> writes:

> Hi Graham,
> I agree with *most* of your post here… except
> > I honestly think that stopping the doc team from disintegrating
> > is more important than nice new features like that.
> Depending on the feature, this can be *far* more important than  
> having one person stay with the doc team. If you're correct — that  
> Carl could have implemented an important feature like that in a  
> couple of hours — then there is *no* better way for him to spend his  
> time (IMO).

This is probably off-topic, but there is *no way* I could have implemented
that feature in 2 hours.  I'd still be trying to figure out exactly how
LilyPond handles the include structure in 2 hours.  Otherwise, I'd have
gone for the bounty!

But Graham is absolutely right that documentation isn't as fun as developing,
and we do need a core team to hold it together.

So I'm just bumbling along, trying to get some doc work done and scratching
my itch on developing when I need to.


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