> Hello, Paul,
I'm copying this back to the LilyPond User list where someone else might
help also.  The convention on this list is to Reply All since not
everyone is subscribed to the list.

I normally run LilyPond from XDarwin and the command line.  I also am
using Tiger (10.4.x) and don't completely recognize your error
messages.  I am also very familiar with the Unix command line which is
what terminal.App is about.
> I've gotten my previous problem straightened out by merely reading the
> instructions for the Leopard download.  I copied a music script and named it
> "myfirstlpscript".  I entered the name in the "LilyPond" script and compiled
> it in Script Editor and ran it.  Here is the error message I got in the
> terminal window and following that are the two scripts.  I don't understand'
> the error message or know what to do about it.
What editor did you use to create the music "script?"  Can you send us
your script?  It looks like you edited the sample script which has
commands in it that you might not understand without reading much more
of the documentation.  Try a simple script like the following first:

\version "2.10.33"
    \relative c'' { c4 d e f }
> Last login: Wed Aug 20 13:59:04 on ttys000
> best-buys-macbook:~ bestbuy$ 
> PATH=$PATH:/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin:.
> best-buys-macbook:~ bestbuy$  cd Documents/LilyPondFiles
> best-buys-macbook:LilyPondFiles bestbuy$  lilypond 'myfirstlpscript'.ly
> GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
> Processing `myfirstlpscript.ly'
> Parsing...
> Interpreting music... 
> Preprocessing graphical objects...
> Calculating line breaks... 
> Drawing systems... 
> error: 
> The PostScript backend does not support the 'classic'
> framework. Use the EPS backend instead,
>   lilypond -b eps <file>
> or remove the lilypond-book specific settings from the input.
> best-buys-macbook:LilyPondFiles bestbuy$ 
> ____________________________________________
> (* version 2008.06.21 *)
> set filename to "myfirstlpscript"
> (* change FileNameHere to the name of your LilyPond file (without .ly) - keep 
> the quotes *)
> (* For more instructions see below and 
> <http://ivo.bouwmans.name/lilypondleopard>. *)
> (*
> ©2008, Ivo Bouwmans - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under 
> the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software 
> Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later 
> version.
> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 
> ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
> See the GNU General Public License for more details: 
> <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
> *)
> set scriptfilename to quoted form of filename
> tell application "Preview" to quit
> tell application "QuickTime Player" to quit
> tell application "Terminal"
>       do script 
> "PATH=$PATH:/Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/bin:.
>  cd Documents/LilyPondFiles
>  lilypond " & scriptfilename & ".ly"
> end tell
> set choice to button returned of (display dialog "Choose when LilyPond has 
> finished compilation..." buttons {"Show score", "Show score and play midi", 
> "Quit"} default button 1)
> if choice = "Show score" or choice = "Show score and play midi" then
>       tell application "Terminal" to quit
>       tell application "Finder"
>               set midifile to filename & ".midi"
>               set pdffile to filename & ".pdf"
>               set psfile to filename & ".ps"
>               open file pdffile in folder "LilyPondFiles" in folder 
> "Documents" in home
>               if choice = "Show score and play midi" then
>                       open file midifile in folder "LilyPondFiles" in folder 
> "Documents" in home
>               end if
>               if exists file psfile in folder "LilyPondFiles" in folder 
> "Documents" in home then delete file psfile in folder "LilyPondFiles" in 
> folder "Documents" in home
>       end tell
> end if
> (*
> (Visit <http://ivo.bouwmans.name/lilypondleopard> for more information.)
> = Download the latest version of LilyPond for "G3, G4, G5 Macs" (even if you 
> have an Intel-based Mac!).
> = Put LilyPond.app in your Applications folder.
> = Create a directory in your Documents directory and call it LilyPondFiles.
> = Create a LilyPond (.ly) file using your favourite text editor and put it in 
> the LilyPondFiles directory.
> = Put the .ly file name (without the .ly extension) on the first line of this 
> script, where it says FileNameHere.
> = Run this script to view the result.
> = Continue editing the LilyPond file in your text editor.
> = To view (and optionally hear) the result, save the LilyPond file and run 
> this script. 
> *)
> _______________________________________________________________________
> %% Generated by lilypond-book.py
> %% Options: [quote,alt=[image of music],ragged-right,indent=0\mm]
> \include "lilypond-book-preamble.ly"
> % ****************************************************************
> % Start cut-&-pastable-section 
> % ****************************************************************
> \paper {
>   #(define dump-extents #t)
>   line-width = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in
>   ragged-right = ##t
>   indent = 0\mm
>   force-assignment = #""
>   line-width = #(- line-width (* mm  3.000000))
> }
> \layout {
> }
> % ****************************************************************
> % ly snippet:
> % ****************************************************************
> \sourcefileline 51
> \relative c'' {
>   c-\markup { \bold \huge { Click here.  } }
> }
> % ****************************************************************
> % end ly snippet
> % ****************************************************************
> _______________________________________________________
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Patricia Erickson wrote:
>>> I tried to look at the user list archives and found another 
>>> person had the same problem back in
>>> November 2007, however, the next in thread button did 
>>> not respond, so I couldn't see if there
>>> was a resolution.  So here's the problem:
>>> I have a MacBook with Mac OS X version 10.5.3.  
>>> It doesn't say Leopard anywhere. 
>> 10.5.3 is Leopard.  (as well as 10.5.1, etc.)
>>>  I tried 
>>> downloading the Leopard version of Lilypond and got 
>>> no menu. 
>> If I understand you correctly you are expecting a normal Mac graphical
>> interface with a menu.  Lilypond is not that kind of a program
>> (application).  It is not point-and-click.  You must enter the commands
>> to create the music into some kind of editor and then run the LilyPond
>> program to convert this into printed (or midi) music.  This not normally
>> done with drop-down menus.
>> You need to read some of the manual before attempting to run LilyPond.
>> http://lilypond.org/web/documentation
>> HTH,
>> Paul Scott

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