2008/8/21 Dmytro O. Redchuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Minimal example may look like this:
> % ---------- snip
> \relative c'' {
>        c d b a
>        \repeat volta 1 {
>                c d e f
>        }
BTW, the following example produces correct output, too
And can not produce correct midi output, too. Because here are two
repeats, not one.

\relative c'' {
        c d b a
        \repeat volta 1 {
                c d e f
        \alternative {
                { e d b a }
        \bar ":|"

        \set Score.repeatCommands = #(list(list 'volta "2–3." 'start-repeat))
        \repeat volta 2 {
                { }
        \alternative {
                { e' d b a }
        \bar ":|"

Dmytro O. Redchuk
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