maybe its an error in the debian package
something in the deb is pulling down texlive anyway

i'm not sure exactly whats going on in the control file but it seems that lilypond-data is dependency of lilypond
and lilypond-data has texlive-base as a pre-depend.

below are some snips of the debian control file that may point to the problem?

will cc this to lilypond maintainer:
Maintainer: Thomas Bushnell, BSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

debian package version number: lilypond (2.10.33-2.2)


Package: lilypond
Architecture: any
Replaces: lilypond1.3
Provides: lilypond1.3
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, python, guile-1.8, ${misc:Depends}, lilypond-data (= ${source:Version})
Conflicts: guile-1.8 (= 1.8.2+1-2)
Recommends: lilypond-doc

Package: lilypond-data
Section: tex
Architecture: all
Depends: texinfo | texlive-texinfo, ${python:Depends}
Pre-Depends: tetex-bin | texlive-base
Recommends: lilypond (>= ${source:Version})
Conflicts: lilypond (<< 2.2.2-2)
Description: LilyPond music typesetter (data files)

Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Rob Canning wrote:
but at the moment we have found that lilypond pulls texlive as a dependency
How come? This used to be true a very long time ago, but there
are requirements to have a TeX installation to be able to run
LilyPond. See
(for version 2.10) or
(for version 2.11 and the coming version 2.12) for information
on the relevant running requirements.

, which is way too big for the CD ISO so when we release a live dvd version lilypond will be present for sure.

I use lilypond alot in my work so I will be chasing this one up.

Is there any way to run lilypond without texlive? or in a way that will make it less bloated for a live cd?



Stefan Thomas wrote:
Dear Valentin,
many thanks for Your tips!
You are right, nimblex looks great,it would be a good thing, if there could be included Lilypond!

2008/8/22 Valentin Villenave <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

    2008/8/22 Stefan Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

    > I'm searching for a live Cd with lilypond. I know, there is
    Musix, but it
    > has a very old version. And UBUNTU Studio, as far as I know, is
    not a live
    > CD, or is it?

    I'm afraid the best way is to build it yourself...

    I built a Lilypond live-CD in June for my pupils (it took me a
    whole night :-)
After having tried with Mandriva and Fedora, I discovered that Ubuntu was probably the easiest to tweak. There's a nice, bery user-friendly
    tool called

    There are also (a bit more geeky), and which is incredibly cool but does not
    include LilyPond :-(

    (hey we should ask them if they could! I'll send them a mail...)

    Good luck anyway!



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