
it has been discussed before and it has been excepted for future
Have a look at
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-08/msg00838.html .
Have a look at the whole thread. There are two additional links.

I want to use it to tweek the midi code.

>> Valentin:
>> I believe you have a point (no matter how one can feel about the
>> quality of computer-generated music).

>In general this may be discussed but lent your ear to examples of what has
been >accomplished with midi and the "right"  sounds ;-).


>And there is a lot of music on this page which is a direct output from
Midifiles >generated by notationsoftware.


2008/8/24 Alastair Irving <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello List
> I'd be very surprised if this hasn't been asked before, but searches of the
> archives haven't turned up anything useful.  Is there any way of converting
> lilypond files into music xml?  If not, are there any plans for such a tool?
> I use software to convert music into Braille, and it only accepts input in
> xml.  Currently, my only method is to do OCR on the pdf output and then
> correct any errors, which seems rather ludicrous.
> Alastair Irving
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