I suspect no one answered earlier because there
doesn't seem to be an easy way to do this.  There
should be.

The brew-chord-bracket routine uses the horizontal,
bracket stencil, which does have a means of modifying the
end heights when used as a horizontal bracket, but this
does not seem to have been included in brew-chord-bracket.
(I hope someone can correct me if this is wrong)

You might try starting with a horizontal bracket of the
right shape, rotating it, and translating it to where
you want it with 'extra-offset, but this is really messy.
Not recommended unless you really need it and have only
one or two to do.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Herbert Niemeyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lilypons-user" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: played with one hand or another

I like to repost (and rephrase) this question:
I like to indicate to a piano player to play some notes with the
left hand and some with the right hand. All I found so far is the snippet below. I changed it to better explain what I need:
I'd like the first bracket without the top horizontal line, so it looks
like a long "L".
The second bracket should look just the opposite way, like a flipped, or
upside down "L".
Can anyone give me a tip on how to archive this?
I looked everywhere in the documentation, but couldn't find an answer.

Here is the changed example based on:

\version "2.11.56"
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.connectArpeggios = ##t
\override PianoStaff.Arpeggio #'stencil = #ly:arpeggio::brew-chord-bracket
\new Staff = "RH" {
  \relative c' {
    \key b \major
    \time 6/8
    b8-.(\arpeggio fis'-.\> cis-. e-. gis-. b-.)\!\fermata^\laissezVibrer
    \bar "||"
\new Staff = "LH"{
  \relative c' {
    \clef bass
    \key b \major
          e2 \arpeggio << {e4\arpeggio} \\ {\hideNotes b4\arpeggio
\unHideNotes} >>

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