Jonathan Kulp wrote:
I did the documentation on guitar stuff so I'm familiar with this issue.

Jonathan - thanks for the extended examples. Very helpful.


Here's a sticky wicket I cannot get past:

\relative c'{ <<
     { s2 r4
     \override Fingering #'staff-padding = #'()
     \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down down up)
     < e'-0 fis-1\3 g-4\2 >4~ }
{ \stemUp \times 2/3 { fis,8-3 ^"II" [ (g-4) e-1 ]} \times 2/3 {a8\rest \stemDown
       \set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
       <e-1\5> [<c'-3\4>] }
       <b-2~>2 }
     { \stemDown s4 e,,2.~ \ff }
>> }

The fingering is now readable, but not displayed as I've requested, in the first voice. It's displaying e-down f-up g-up. I've tried a number of combinations, and I cannot seem to "crack the code". There must be something I'm not understanding. Can you tell me?

I also cannot find documentation about placement of string number. I'm guessing that in the code example the reason for the engraving of the "(3)" string indication BELOW the f is to keep it from crashing into what's above. However, if so, why are string numbers being so looked after, when Lilypond will quite happily pile *fingering* numbers on top of each other in an illegible mess? I don't see consistency here, but again I may well be missing something.

In the code example I'd just like to bring the "(3)" indication into the staff, and right below the f. In my code example, however, the "\override Fingering #'staff-padding = #'()" (an initial attempt just to get it to move) has no effect. I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Can you help?

Finally, the triplet indicator which is engraved by the code example crashes into several things. I cannot find out how to move it. Don't even know where to start looking. None of the triple (tuple?) documentation I've found addresses this. I cannot attempt to reposition what I cannot even name!

I want to thank you (and whoever else may have helped) for the richness of the fretted string documentation. It's really been extremely helpful.


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