Patrick, you wrote Monday, September 01, 2008 7:53 PM

Just my two cents and I know I'll have no influence and know that the great documentation project is winding down, but just wanted to say it because it's been a frustration of mine. I wish I'd gotten involved sooner instead of coming in to the list when the project was well underway and teams in place.

Only around half of the documentation is written,
and much can still be improved.  If you (or anyone else)
are willing to actually write stuff, rather than review
and comment, there is still plenty of scope to have an
influence.  For example, I would like to see someone
take responsibility for noting all the comments on this
list which suggest something is lacking in the docs
and editing in the changes needed to put it right.  I've
got a stack of things like that, but no time to attend to
them while major sections have still to be written.


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