Trevor Daniels wrote:
I suggest you read the recommended documentation
again.  You have entered three nested phrasing slurs
rather than ties.  Phrasing slurs cannot be nested.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Grammostola Rosea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: notation TAB matching

James E. Bailey wrote:

Am 02.09.2008 um 12:57 schrieb Grammostola Rosea:
 <<{(a,4 a,4.)}{ <gis\3 b\2>8 <a,)\5 gis\3 b\2>8 e'4\1   \pageBreak
In the score above, I want to add some connection bows(?) (dutch ='verbindingsboogje') >> in lilypond language as example:

In english, they're called either ties or slurs. Ties connect two notes of the same pitch, slurs connect notes of different pitches.
Ok, thanks, I'm talking about ties here. <>
Explains ties and slurs and how to use them.

I want to connect the two a's and the <gis b> with <gis b> by  ties.

I have it now like this: TrackAMusic = #(define-music-function (parser location inTab) (boolean?)
  \tempo 4=120
  \clef #(if $inTab "tab" "treble_8")
  \key a \major
  \time 4/4
  \partial 8
a,8~<a, cis'\2 a\3 >4. a,4\( <gis\3\( b\2\(>8 <a,\5\) \)gis\3 \)b\2>8 e'4\1 \pageBreak

but the a is now connected to the e which is wrong and there are not ties between the <gis b> and <gis b>

This part is for a score with notation and tablature (a\3 means an a on the third (from below) string...)

help would be nice here ;)

I've tried it with a second voice, found an example here:

And have it now like this (see below).

1) I wonder if this is possible with just having one Voice.

2) An problem in the score below is that the TAB isn't matching right with the notation in the end of the second bar, why is that and how can I solve it?

Thanks in advance.....
(I'm just an newbie who tries to learn Lilypond for the stuff I want to score and to try how far I can come with Lilypond and tablature ;) )

\header {
title = "Lute Prelude BWV999 - fragment"
arranger = "Art Sulger"
instrument = "12-string Guitar"

#(set-paper-size "letter")
#(define bottom-margin (* 2 cm))

uI = {
<a cis'>4. <gis b>8~<gis b> <b e'>4 <a cis'>8~<a cis'> <cis' e'>4. <gis b>2 %r16^\markup {IX} <e'\3> <gis'\2> <d''\1_2> gis'\2 e'\3 gis'\2 e'\3 b\4 e'\3 gis\5 e'\3 | %r16 <ees'\3_2> <a'\2_4> <c''\1_1> a'\2 ees'\3 a'\2 ees'\3 a\4 ees'\3 f\5 ees'\3 |r16 d'\3-2 f'\2-1 %b'\1-3 f'\2 d'\3 f'\2 d'\3 gis\4 d'\3 e\5 d'\3 | %r16 c'\3-2 fis'\2-4 a'\1-1 fis'\2 c'\3 fis'\2 c'\3 fis\4-1 c'\3 dis\5-3 c'\3 |
%r16 b\3-3 d'\2-1 a'\1-4 d'\2 b\3 d'\2 b\3 f\4-1 b\3 d\5-0 b\3 |
%r16 b\3-3 d'\2-2 gis'\1-4 d'\2 b\3 d'\2 b\3 e\4-1 b\3 b,\5-1 b\3 |
dI = {
a,4 \tag #'bassnotes a,4~a,4. a,8~a,4. a,8~a,4 e,8 e,8  \tag #'restnotes  |
%e,4 \tag #'bassnotes { r4 <a\4_1>8 <f\5_3>8 } \tag #'restnotes {s4 s8 s8} |
%e,4 \tag #'bassnotes { r4 <gis\4_1>8 <e\5_3> } \tag #'restnotes {s4 s8 s8} |
%e,4 \tag #'bassnotes { r4 <fis\4>8 <dis\5> } \tag #'restnotes {s4 s8 s8}|
%e,4 \tag #'bassnotes { r4 f8 d8\5 } \tag #'restnotes {s4 s8 s8}|
%e,4 \tag #'bassnotes { r4 e8 b,8 } \tag #'restnotes {s4 s8 s8}|
Notation = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for notation
\time 4/4
\clef "G_8"
\key a \major
\override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #6.0 \tempo 4=95
% \override StringNumber #'self-alignment-Y = #-1
\override Score.StringNumber #'padding = #3.5
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up left down)
<< \context Voice=VoiceA \uI >>
<< \context Voice=VoiceB \keepWithTag #'bassnotes \dI >>

Tablature = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for Tablature
\time 4/4
\override TabStaff.Stem #'transparent = ##t %% Makes stems transparent
\override TabStaff.Beam #'transparent = ##t %% Makes beams transparent
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceA \uI >>
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceB \keepWithTag #'restnotes \dI >>

\score {
\context StaffGroup {
\simultaneous {
<< \context Staff=FullNotation \Notation >>
<< \context TabStaff=FullTab \Tablature >>

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