2008/9/4 Mats Bengtsson :
> I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned \partcombine, so far. It's probably
> the closest you can
> get to your wishes, with the built-in support in LilyPond. See Section
> "Automatic part combining"
> in the manual for more information. Note that the current part combiner has
> a number of issues, though.

Yes, it has. I tried once to combine soprano and alto voices and
although it produced fine looking music the biggest obstacle was
attaching lyrics to the combined "voice". It might be possible to use
it by using associatedVoice but that was too complex and I decided to
create the voice by hand with chords <x y>.

If someone has found out  a solution that will allow attaching lyrics
to "partcombined" voice I'd be very happy to hear of it. :-)


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