As my standard font-lock faces didn't go well with LilyPond scores,
here are a couple of patches and a new elisp file to provide
customization for the lilypond-mode's faces. Feel free to pore scorn
on my choices of defaults; they're work in progress and (currently) go
well with my color-theme.


diff -u orig/lilypond-mode.el new/lilypond-mode.el
--- orig/lilypond-mode.el       2008-09-11 10:21:03.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lilypond-mode.el        2008-09-11 11:33:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -1191,6 +1191,7 @@
(message "Using `LilyPond-mode' version %s" LilyPond-version))
+(load-library "lilypond-faces")
(load-library "lilypond-font-lock")
(load-library "lilypond-indent")
(load-library "lilypond-what-beat")

diff -u orig/lilypond-font-lock.el new/lilypond-font-lock.el
--- orig/lilypond-font-lock.el  2008-04-03 15:08:31.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lilypond-font-lock.el   2008-09-11 23:26:05.000000000 +0100
@@ -53,56 +53,57 @@
 ;; See, e.g., text in "";.
 ;; ... identifiers (defined above, see iregex)
-      (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" iregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] 
\t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 font-lock-function-name-face))
+      (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" iregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] 
\t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 lilypond-identifiers))
 ;; ... keywords (defined above, see kwregex)
-      (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" kwregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] 
\t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 font-lock-keyword-face))
+      (cons (concat "\\(\\([_^-]?\\(" kwregex "\\)\\)+\\)\\($\\|[] 
\t(~{}>\\\\_()^*-]\\)") '(1 lilypond-keywords))
 ;; ... user defined identifiers \[a-zA-Z]+
-      '("\\([_^-]?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\\)\\)" 1 font-lock-constant-face)
+      '("\\([_^-]?\\\\\\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\\)\\)" 1 lilypond-user)
 ;; ... the left side of '=' -mark
-      '("\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
+      '("\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*" 1 lilypond-LS)
 ;; ... the right side of '=' -mark
-      '("[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
+      '("[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\([_a-zA-Z.0-9-]+\\)" 1 lilypond-RS)
 ;; ... reserved words (defined above, see rwregex)
-      (cons (concat "\\(" rwregex "\\)") 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
+      (cons (concat "\\(" rwregex "\\)") 'lilypond-reserved)
 ;; ... note or rest with (an accidental and) a duration, e.g., b,?16.*3/4
-      (cons (concat "\\(^\\|[ <\{[/~(!)\t\\\|]\\)\\(\\(\\(" ncrwregex 
"\\)[,']*[?!]?\\|[srR]\\)" duration "?\\)") '(2 font-lock-type-face))
+      (cons (concat "\\(^\\|[ <\{[/~(!)\t\\\|]\\)\\(\\(\\(" ncrwregex 
"\\)[,']*[?!]?\\|[srR]\\)" duration "?\\)") '(2 lilypond-notes))
 ;; "on top", ... notes and rests with a long duration
-      (cons (concat "\\(^\\|[ <\{[/~(!)\t\\\|]\\)\\(\\(\\(" ncrwregex 
"\\)[,']*[?!]?\\|[srR]\\)" longduration "\\)") '(2 font-lock-type-face t))
+      (cons (concat "\\(^\\|[ <\{[/~(!)\t\\\|]\\)\\(\\(\\(" ncrwregex 
"\\)[,']*[?!]?\\|[srR]\\)" longduration "\\)") '(2 lilypond-notes t))
 ;; "on top", ... lyrics-mode: fontify everything between '<'...'>' or '{'...'}'
 ;            URGH, does not know anything about inner brackets.
 ;            Multiple lines may need refontifying (C-c f).
-      '("\\(\\\\lyrics[^{<]*\\)\\({[^}]*\\|<[^>]*\\)" 2 font-lock-string-face 
+      '("\\(\\\\lyric[^{<]*\\)\\({[^}]*\\|<[^>]*\\)" 2 lilypond-lyrics t)
+      '("\\(\\\\addlyrics[^{<]*\\)\\({[^}]*\\|<[^>]*\\)" 2 lilypond-lyrics t)
 ;; "on top", ... horizontal grouping, also as postfix syntax '-*':
 ;;               - brackets '{[]}'
 ;;               - ties '~'
 ;;               - ligatures \[, \]
-      '("\\(-?[][~}{]\\|\\\\[][]\\)" 0 font-lock-reference-face t)
+      '("\\(-?[][~}{]\\|\\\\[][]\\)" 0 lilypond-horizontal-grouping t)
 ;; "on top", ... vertical grouping:
 ;;               - '<>'-chord brackets with '\\'-voice sep., not marcato '->'
 ;;               - '<< a b >>8' -chords
-      (cons (concat "\\(\\(-.\\)+\\|[^-^_]\\)\\([<>]+\\(" duration "\\|" 
longduration "\\)?\\|\\\\\\\\\\)") '(3 font-lock-function-name-face t))
+      (cons (concat "\\(\\(-.\\)+\\|[^-^_]\\)\\([<>]+\\(" duration "\\|" 
longduration "\\)?\\|\\\\\\\\\\)") '(3 lilypond-vertical-grouping t))
 ;; "on top", ... expressional grouping, also as postfix syntax '-*':
 ;;               - slurs ( ), \( \), [-^_][()]
 ;;               - hairpins \<, \>, \! 
-      '("\\(-?\\\\[(<!>)]\\|[-^_]?[()]\\)" 0 font-lock-builtin-face t)
+      '("\\(-?\\\\[(<!>)]\\|[-^_]?[()]\\)" 0 lilypond-expressional-grouping t)
 ;; "on top", ... (multiline-)scheme: try find slurs up to 7th
 0 font-lock-string-face t)
 0 lilypond-scheme t)
 ;; "on top", ... strings, match also unending strings at eof:
 ;;               if '\n' was not found, it must be '$' which is eof (?).
-      '("\\([_^-]?\"\\([^\"\\\\]\\|\\\\.\\|\\\\\n\\)*\\(\"\\|$\\)\\)" 0 
font-lock-string-face t)
+      '("\\([_^-]?\"\\([^\"\\\\]\\|\\\\.\\|\\\\\n\\)*\\(\"\\|$\\)\\)" 0 
lilypond-strings t)
 ;; "on top", ... (multiline-)comments
       '("\\(%\\({[^%]*%\\(}\\|\\([^}][^%]*%\\)+}\\)\\|.*\\)\\)" 0 
font-lock-comment-face t)

;;; lilypond-faces.el --- syntax coloring for LilyPond mode

;; Author: 2008: Christopher Suckling
;;  * Emacs-mode: faces to customize and use with Lilypond-mode

;; TODO:
;;   - Better defaults, including defaults for dark backgrounds

(defvar lilypond-identifiers 
  "Face name to use for identifiers.")

(defface lilypond-identifiers
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "purple3"))
    (t (:foreground "purple3")))
  "Face for LilyPond identifiers."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-keywords 
  "Face name to use for keywords.")

(defface lilypond-keywords
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "firebrick4"))
    (t (:foreground "firebrick4")))
  "Face for LilyPond keywords."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-user           
  "Face name to use for user.")

(defface lilypond-user
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "purple3"))
    (t (:foreground "purple3")))
  "Face for LilyPond user defined identifiers."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-LS             
  "Face name to use for left side of =.")

(defface lilypond-LS
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "purple3"))
    (t (:foreground "purple3")))
  "Face for LilyPond left side of =."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-RS             
  "Face name to use for right side of =.")

(defface lilypond-RS
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "cyan4"))
    (t (:foreground "cyan4")))
  "Face for LilyPond right side of =."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-reserved               
  "Face name to use for reserved.")

(defface lilypond-reserved
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "black"))
    (t (:foreground "black")))
  "Face for LilyPond reserved words."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-notes          
  "Face name to use for notes.")

(defface lilypond-notes
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "royalblue3" :weight bold :height 1.1))
    (t (:foreground "royalblue3" :weight bold :height 1.1)))
  "Face for LilyPond note or rest with (an accidental and) a duration, e.g., 
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-long-notes             
  "Face name to use for long-notes.")

(defface lilypond-long-notes
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "royalblue3" :weight bold :height 1.1))
    (t (:foreground "royalblue3" :weight bold :height 1.1)))
  "Face for LilyPond notes and rests with a long duration."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-lyrics         
  "Face name to use for lyrics.")

(defface lilypond-lyrics
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "black" :slant italic))
    (t (:foreground "black" :slant italic)))
  "Face for LilyPond lyrics-mode: fontify everything between '<'...'>' or 
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-horizontal-grouping            
  "Face name to use for horizontal-grouping.")

(defface lilypond-horizontal-grouping
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "green4" :weight bold))
    (t (:foreground "green4" :weight bold)))
  "Face for LilyPond horizontal grouping."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-vertical-grouping              
  "Face name to use for vertical-grouping.")

(defface lilypond-vertical-grouping
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "green4" :weight bold))
    (t (:foreground "green4" :weight bold)))
  "Face for LilyPond vertical grouping."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-expressional-grouping          
  "Face name to use for expressional-grouping.")

(defface lilypond-expressional-grouping
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "firebrick4"))
    (t (:foreground "firebrick4")))
  "Face for LilyPond expressional grouping."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-scheme         
  "Face name to use for scheme.")

(defface lilypond-scheme
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "black"))
    (t (:foreground "black")))
  "Face for LilyPond (multiline-)scheme: try find slurs up to 7th."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(defvar lilypond-strings                
  "Face name to use for strings.")

(defface lilypond-strings
  '((((class color) (background light))
     (:foreground "black" :slant italic))
    (t (:foreground "black" :slant italic)))
  "Face for LilyPond strings."
  :group 'lilypond-faces)

(provide 'lilypond-faces)

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