On 16.09.2008, at 14:51, Nick Payne wrote:


Thanks for the reply. However, I just removed the natural from the 2nd b in
bar 2 and I still get a natural appearing in the output on both b.

Bar 3 also contains two b naturals, so I added that bar with a natural only
on the 1st b and only get one in the output.

I've attached ly source and the PDF output I get from the 2.11.58 I
downloaded yesterday. Running WinXP.

\version "2.11.58"
up = \relative c' {
<b,!-1> <g'-0> <aes'-4>-> <d,-3> <g-2>-> <g,-0>
b,! g' aes'-> d, g-> g, |

In lilypond, when you follow a note with !, the accidental, whether natural, sharp, double-flat, microtonal or whatever will be repeated. If you don't want the extra natural sign, you need to remove the second !
\version "2.11.58"
up = \relative c' {
        <b,!-1> %note the ! here
        <g'-0> <aes'-4>-> <d,-3> <g-2>-> <g,-0>
        b, % note the lack of ! here
        g' aes'-> d, g-> g, |

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