I've been following this, and just tested the latest version on OSX... quite nice guys!

Perhaps the -V flag can be set to not open the image after it is done? This utility will be great for mass creating images (as most command line tools are), but having Preview open each one up will get very tiring... perhaps if the is no -V passed in, that step can be skipped?

Again - quite nice!


On Sep 19, 2008, at 2:20 PM, Jonathan Kulp wrote:

Ok I've caught on to your version-control comments at the top and have started adding to them. This time I added two things to the script:

1) recognition of the computer's OS (only Linux or Mac at this point), and appropriate changes to the commands to accommodate. After this change, the script works exactly the same (from user's perspective) on both my Ubuntu and Mac OSX 10.4 systems :) I used to have to keep separate versions of the script for each one.

2) added a "known issue" comment that the script doesn't handle spaces in directory names. It fails at line 43 (cd $currentdir) if the directory of the lilypond source file has a space in the name.

Patrick Horgan wrote:
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Patrick!  It's all working beautifully now.
I must say that you are most awesomely cool. How wonderful to find someone that digs in in the best linux/Unix tradition and puts together a string of programs to achieve a desired result. Hats off to you.
Working on this script is making me understand the genius of the Unix model. Someone with no programming experience like me can make something that gets a job done using a bunch of tiny tools. Really fun!

... much cool stuff elided...
p.s. now that we have a tool with a version number, I might try learning how to write a brief manpage for it. Good idea?
A most excellent idea! manedit is your friend. Complete wysiwyg man editor. Its help has a complete and easy tutorial. On ubuntu it's just *sudo apt-get install manedit*. Since you're doing that I'm adding a -a (about) with your name and mine, some more comments so others can modify it more easily, and will call it version 1.1.1. I also added a -V=viewer, so I could use, for example evince if the output format was ps. N.B. evince doesn't display transparency so if you use it with transparent gifs or pngs you might think the transparency gone, but it's not.
Cool.  I'll try this after the kids are in bed tonight.

One feature it really needs is an ability to handle the situation where the output for file.ly is for example, file- page1.png and file-page2.png. You'd have to get a wildcard list of things that matched $STEM*.png and loop over them to do the conversions, then something like $viewer $STEM*.$FORMAT & at the end. That would make it work as it currently does for most things, there'd just be one thing in the list, but still work for the case where there's something there. A generic wildcard is best because someone might have done a #(define output-suffix "blablabla") and we want to support that case too. eog will bring up all the pages and let you page up and page down through them, and evince will bring a a window for each file. There's enough examples in the script so that you could figure out how to do it if you would. We could call it 1.1.2;) If you don't have time let me know and I'll get to it sometime. If you do, change the version in the script, add to the changelog at the top and send me a copy:) Maybe we could donate it to the lilypond project.
Yes. I haven't thought much about multiple-page documents yet because for me the object of the script is to produce small images of musical examples to use in a research paper or on a website. Are there situations where you want multiple-page examples with whitespace cropped like this? I could see where it'd be nice to make a longer document's background transparent. It's certainly worth a try to deal with a longer file. The more flexible the script is, the better, after all. I'll poke around with it this weekend, perhaps.

Most recent version attached.


Jonathan Kulp
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/* Joshua D. Parmenter

“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono

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