Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
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Am Mittwoch, 24. September 2008 schrieb notesetter:
I'd like to remove LilyPond 2.10.33, which came bundled with Ubuntu Studio
8.04 and then install 2.11.59. I ran the install shell script and 2.11.59
installed in my home directory fine. However, when I go to use it, the
'lilypond' command still invokes version 2.10.33. I started to remove the
old version through synaptic, but it also tries to remove other packages
that I want to keep like rosegarden and some others that I think I
shouldn't remove.

This appears to present me 3 options:

1) Install 2.11.59 via shell script and alter my system so that the command
'lilypond' points to the new installation in my home directory.

That's what I do when compiling the git version:

- -) In ~/.bashrc add ~/.bin or ~/bin (or whatever you prefer for your user-owned scripts) to the path:
       export PATH=~/.bin:$PATH
- -) In that directory, create an executable file "lilypond" with the contents:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat ~/.bin/lilypond
exec ~/lilypond/lilypond/out/bin/lilypond --relocate "$@"

I suppose the lilypond installation already takes care of the second thing, so all you need to do is to properly prepend the path to the PATH shell variable. Note that the order is important, so you have to prepend the ~/.bin (like you see above). In contrast, if you use PATH=$PATH:~/.bin, then the shell will look into the system-wide pathes first and again find the installed 2.10 before your self-installed 2.11 version.


- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
 * K Desktop Environment,, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien",
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Well, I was all geared up to try one of these modifications to the .bashrc file when I mistyped and messed up my $PATH. To make a long story short, I fixed the .bashrc file but in the process, I discovered something:

When I used the 2.11.59 install shell script, and then logged off and logged in again to test the new $PATH (and found that I had fouled it up with a typo); after restoring the original .bashrc file and then entering 'lilypond -v' just to check that my $PATH was fixed, it returned version 2.11.59. So I uninstalled it, logged off and then on again and entered 'lilypond -v' once again, which returned version 2.10.33. I then ran the install shell script again, logged off and logged on, entered 'lilypond -v' again and this time it returned version 2.11.59. Keep in mind, I've made no changes to .bashrc or my $PATH.

Conclusion: I needed only to log off and back on after installing the new version in order to call it from the command line. Ubuntu Studio Hardy or LilyPond made the necessary adjustments to invoke the new version of LilyPond. Version 2.10.33 is still installed, and if I want to revert, all I have to do is run the uninstall-lilypond script to remove 2.11.59.

I hope this saves others from this particular sequence of events. Thanks to all for your thoughtful replies. I'm absorbing your comments and suggestions for future use.



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