> > Please send a minimal but *compilable* example: It's a waste of time
> Sorry, I thought advanced users could imagine the output. 

Sometimes not so advanced users, or users with less imagination can help
too. ;-)

Here attached a modified version of your code that puts the chords above the

[The problem has something to do with the PianoStaff already instantiated
when the chord line is being defined.]

\version "2.10.10"

harmony = \context ChordNames {
  \chordmode {
    c1 |
    g |

<< \harmony
   \new PianoStaff <<
     \new Staff = "upper" {
       \relative c' {
         c4 c c c
         d d d d
     \addlyrics {
       \repeat unfold 4 \skip 1
       la la la la
     \new Staff = "lower" {
       \relative c' {
          c4 c c c
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