Op woensdag 1 oktober 2008, schreef Patrick McCarty:
> Same here, with the latest git.  I removed the function you mentioned
> and the included file, and it compiled fine for me.

Now I removed the merge-rests function and include, but even then LilyPond 
(git as of today) segfaults (signal 11, with the same backtrace).

Attachting the .ly file again just to be sure...

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

LilyKDE, LilyPond for KDE: http://lilykde.googlecode.com/
\version "2.11.61"

#(set-global-staff-size 18)

\header {
  title = "3. Die Könige"
  subtitle = "from “Weihnachtslieder” op. 8"
  composer = "Peter Cornelius (1824-1874)"
  poet = \markup \column {
    \line { Peter Cornelius (1824-1874) }
    \line { Text and melody “Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern” (1599) }
    \line { by Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) }
  copyright = \markup {
    \center-column {
      \line {
        Arranged and engraved by
        \with-url #"http://www.wilbertberendsen.nl/"; {
          Wilbert Berendsen (http://www.wilbertberendsen.nl/)
      \line {
        Copyright © 2008
        \with-url #"http://www.cpdl.org/"; {
          The Choral Public Domain Library (http://www.cpdl.org/)
      \line {This edition may be freely distributed, edited, performed or recorded.}

global = {
  \key g \major
  \time 3/4
  \partial 4.
  #(set-accidental-style 'modern)

\paper {
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f
  between-system-padding = #0

soloVoice = \relative c' {
  % Muziek volgt hier.
  d8\p b' fis |
  a(g) b, c e8. d16 |
  \time 4/4
  d4 r8 d g a b a16 g |
  g8 c g4 r8 g b c |
  d b16 a g8 fis16 g e8 b'4 a8 |
  g a b ais16 b d8 cis16(b) a4 |
  r8 a gis a c a b a16 g |
  c8 g b a16(g) e8(fis) g d |
  \time 2/4
  e8 fis16(e) d4
  \time 3/4
  r4 r8
  d8 b' fis |
  a(g) b, c e8. d16 |
  \time 4/4
  d4 r8 d g a b a16 g |
  g8 c g4 r8 g b c |
  d b16 a g8 fis16(g) e8 b' b a8 |
  g(a) b ais16(b) d8 cis16(b) a4 |
  r8 a gis a c a b a16 g |
  c8 g b a16(g) e8(fis g) d |
  e8 fis16(e) d4~d8 r8 r4 |
  r4 r8 d b'8. c16 b4 |
  g8 fis e g fis2 |
  r8 d c'8. a16 e'8(d) b(g) |
  r8 g g e b'2 |
  r8^\markup\italic"un poco piú mosso" c b g e fis16 e dis8 e |
  fis c' b a16 g e8 fis16 e dis8 e fis fis c' b a g16(e)
  d8^\markup\italic"rit." d'16 c |
  b4^\markup\italic"a tempo" b8 a16 g d'8(b) g(fis) |
  e fis16(g) d4 r2
  e4\p d8. d16 b'2\fermata

verseSoloVoice = \lyricmode {
  % Liedtekst volgt hier.
  Drei Kön’ -- ge wan -- dern aus Mor -- gen -- land;
  ein Stern -- lein führt sie zum Jor -- dan -- strand.
  In Ju -- da fra -- gen und for -- schen die drei, wo der
  neu -- ge -- bo -- re -- ne Kö -- nig_ sei?
  Sie wol -- len Weih -- rauch, Myr -- rhen und Gold
  dem Kin -- de __ spen -- den zum Op -- fer -- sold.

  Und hell er -- glän -- zet des Ster -- nes Schein,
  zum Stal -- le ge -- hen die Kön’ -- ge ein;
  das Knäb -- lein schau -- en sie won -- nig -- lich,
  an -- be -- tend nei -- gen die __ Kön’ -- ge __ sich;
  sie brin -- gen Weih -- rauch, Myr -- rhen und Gold
  zum Op -- fer __ dar __ dem Knäb -- lein hold. __

  O Men -- schen -- kind! hal -- te treu -- lich Schritt!
  Die Kön’ -- ge wan -- dern, o wand -- re mit!
  Der Stern der Lie -- be, der Gna -- de Stern,
  er -- hel -- le dein Ziel, so du suchst den Herrn,
  und feh -- len Weih -- rauch, Myr -- rhen und Gold,
  schen -- ke dein Herz __ dem __ Knäb -- lein hold!
  schenk ihm dein Herz!

soprano = \relative c'' {
  % Muziek volgt hier.
  r8 r4 r r
  g\p d' b g d' e e d2 r4 d e fis g fis e e d2 r4 b e d c b a2 g
  r4 r r
  g d' b g d' e e d2 r4 d e fis g fis e e d2 r4 b e d c b a2 g
  d' b R1 d2 b R1 c4 b a b c b a b c c8(b) a2 g\<
  g8\f(g'4) fis8~fis e4 d\> c b8 a2\p g\fermata


alto = \relative c' {
  % Muziek volgt hier.
  r8 r4 r r
  e g fis e g g g g2 r4 g g b b b b a8(g) fis2 r4 g g g g8(fis) g4 g(fis) d2
  r4 r r
  e g fis e g g g g2 r4 g g b b b b a8(g) fis2 r4 g g g g8(fis) g4 g(fis) d2
  fis g R1 fis2 g R1 dis4 e e fis8(e) dis4 e e fis8(e) dis4 e e(d) d(g)
  g g g g fis g g(fis) d2

tenor = \relative c' {
  % Muziek volgt hier.
  r8 r4 r r
  c b d b g8( d') c4 c b2 r4 d b dis e b d cis d2 r4 d c b a8(d) d4 e(d8 c) b2
  r4 r r
  c b d b g8( d') c4 c b2 r4 d b dis e b d cis d2 r4 d c b a8(d) d4 e(d8 c) b2
  a4(d) d2 b4(cis) d2 c4( a8 d) d2 b4(cis) dis2
  fis,4 g e a8(g) fis4 g e a8(g) fis4 g g4.(fis8) g(b cis4)
  d d c b d d e(d8 c) b2

bass = \relative c' {
  % Muziek volgt hier.
  r8 r4 r r
  g\p g, d' e b c c g'2 r4 b g fis e d g a d,2 r4 g c, g' a8(d,)g(b,) c4(d) g2
  r4 r r
  g g, d' e b c c g'2 r4 b g fis e d g a d,2 r4 g c, g' a8(d,)g(b,) c4(d) g2
  d g g4(\<e)\> b2\! a4(d) g2 g4(\<e)\> b2\!
  a4 g c b a g c b a g c(d) g(\<e)
  b\f b' c g\> a b c8(\p c, d4) <g g,>2

verseChoir = \lyricmode {
  % Liedtekst volgt hier.
  Wie schön leuch -- tet der Mor -- gen -- stern
  voll Gnad und Wahr -- heit von dem Herrn,
  die sü -- ße Wur -- zel Jes -- se.

  Du Sohn Da -- vids aus Ja -- kobs Stamm
  mein Hei -- land und mein Bräu -- ti -- gam,
  hast mir mein Herz be -- ses --

  \set associatedVoice = "tenor"
  Lieb -- lich, lieb -- lich,
  freund -- lich, freund --
  \set associatedVoice = "alto"
  schön und herr -- lich, groß und ehr -- lich,
  reich an Ga -- ben, __
  hoch und sehr präch -- tig er -- ha -- ben.


\score {
    \new Staff \with {
      instrumentName = "Solo"
    } { \soloVoice } \addlyrics { \verseSoloVoice }
    \new ChoirStaff \with {
      \consists "Instrument_name_engraver"
      instrumentName = "SATB"
    } <<
      \new Staff \with {
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 6)
      } <<
        \new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \soprano }
        \new Voice = "alto" { \voiceTwo \alto }
      \new Staff = "men" \with {
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-3 . 3)
      } <<
        \clef bass
        \new Voice = "tenor" { \voiceOne \tenor }
        \new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }
      \new Lyrics \with {
        alignAboveContext = "men"
        \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)
      } \lyricsto "alto" { \verseChoir }

  \layout {
    system-count = #11
  \midi {
    \context {
      \remove "Dynamic_performer"
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