ma, 2008-10-06 kello 23:19 -0500, Jonathan Kulp kirjoitti:

> I know you can make the slurs attach to the stem side if you use 
> phrasing slurs and use either ^ or _ to tell it which direction to go:
> \relative c' { fis2^\( ~ fis4 g c,\) }
> Is that what you mean?
> Hope that helps!

Thanks Jon, but that isn't exactly what I mean. The problem isn't about
the arch of the slur being up or down (Lilypond seems to handle that
great), but where the slur is placed - too bad that I don't have a
scanner available at the moment. What Lilypond does at the moment is to
start the slur near the note head (and naturally end it near the other).
What I'd like to see is to have the slur start from the other end of the
stem - the end where there's no note. I hope this clarifies what I'm
trying to achieve. It would be nice if there was an option to do this
with one command for the whole score (and perhaps make an exception,
where needed).

Thanks again!


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