I'm trying to get my fingering indications below the noteheads using \set
fingeringOrientations = #'(down), but they remain resolutely above the beam.
I also tried (left) and (right) with no change either. My two bar test input
and output are attached. Can anyone tell me why this isn't working? I'm
using 2.11.61 on WinXP.
\version "2.11.61"

\paper {
	#(set-paper-size "a4")
	top-margin = 1.5\cm
	bottom-margin = 1.5\cm
	line-width = 18\cm

\header {
	tagline = ##f

% Treble voice
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
up = {
	\set fingeringOrientations = #'(down)
	\repeat volta 2 {
		a16\mf  bes'-2 d''-3 g''-4 d' bes' d'' g'' a bes'-2 d''-3 f''-1 d' bes' d'' f''|
		a bes'-2 d''-3 e''-0 d' bes' d'' e'' a bes' d'' e'' d' bes' d'' e''

% Bass voice
down = {
	\repeat volta 2 {
		a4 d' a d'|
		a d' a d'

thescore = \score {
		\context Staff = guitar {
			\clef treble
			\key c \major
			\time 4/4
			\tempo "Moderato"
			\override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##t
				\context Voice = "1" { \voiceOne \up }
				\context Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \down }
	\layout { }

\score {

<<attachment: test.png>>

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