I asked the question below a few days back and eventually found that I could
use \override Beam #'positions = #'(x . y) to set the start and end beam
heights, at the expense of having to issue another override command every
time the top note changed pitch, in order to maintain consistent stem
lengths. While poking around in the documentation I found a very laconic
mention of a music function assertBeamSlope:

assertBeamSlope - comp (procedure)
(undocumented; fixme)

More searching hasn't turned up any more information on this function,
though from its name alone I infer that it might possibly do what I was
after. Does anyone know anything about this function?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Payne
> Is it possible to do the reverse - give every beam a slight slope
> without explicitly setting the start and end position of every beam? I
> have a piece I'm engraving where because of the shape of the arpeggios
> (the whole piece is arpeggios), Lilypond engraves every beam as
> horizontal, but I actually think it would look better if every beam was
> slightly sloped. See the attached PNG, where I changed the slope of the
> first beam using \once \override Beam #'positions = #'(3 . 4), and the
> second beam uses the automatic placing. I'd like every beam to have the
> same slope as the 1st without having to add a beam position override
> for every bar. I played around with overriding the concaveness and
> damping beam properties without getting anything but horizontal beams.

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