Hi Friedrich,

Why is the distance between the first two 1/16 notes
right in the first bar and too wide in the second?

I don't know, but if you override the l.v. tie so that it takes up no horizontal space, the rest of the notes will flow evenly — see attached fix. [p.s. You should also consider using \voiceOne and \voiceTwo instead of \stemNeutral and \stemDown…]



\version "2.11.62"

        indent = 0
        ragged-right = ##f
                \override LaissezVibrerTie #'X-extent = #'(0 . 0)

        \new Staff {    
        \time 4/4       
        \key e \minor
        \clef "treble_8" {
{ \stemNeutral fis,16 fis c a fis dis' a fis' dis' fis' a dis' fis a c fis }
                { \stemDown fis,2.\laissezVibrer s4 }
{ \stemNeutral b,16 a fis dis' a fis' dis' b' fis' b' dis' fis' a dis' fis a }
                { \stemDown b,2.\laissezVibrer s4 }


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  • laissezVibrer Friedrich Fischer
    • Re: laissezVibrer Kieren MacMillan

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