Hi Daniel and Valentin, and other LilyPond + KDE or LilyKDE users,

I just released a basic package for lilypond editing under KDE 4.1+

It contains
- three icons for LilyPond documents, based on oxygen, crystalsvg and one 
neutral one, based on the LilyPond note XPM icon, converted to SVG.
- katepart indent script (lilypond.js) for nice LilyPond auto-indenting.
- textedit service handler that is able to automatically open the preferred 
editor with the right arguments, and can be configured to support more/other 
editors, and can also talk via DBus to a running LilyPond editor.

It depends on Qt4.4 and KDE 4.1 or higher.

I think this "lilypond-kde4" package could serve as a common basis for 
LilyPond editing under KDE 4. It is my intention to keep this package as 
small as possible. Other packages could provide a servicemenu, plugins or 
standalone apps etc. But you are welcome to add comments and improvements!

with best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

PS: The LilyPond syntax definitions are already part of KDE, and I updated 
them to the upcoming 2.12 LilyPond release in KDE 4.1.3 and KDE 4.2 (trunk). 
Since KDE 4 uses the FreeDesktop.org shared-mime-info, installing a LilyPond 
mimetype in KDE is not necessary anymore. The shared-mime-info package knows 
LilyPond's *.ly file type as text/x-lilypond since version 0.23 I believe.


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