Am 12.11.2008 um 13:49 schrieb guysnape:

I've just got Lilypond working, I want to use it to print some music reading practice sheets for my son who is learning piano. Is it possible to produce
a page containing the following?

A text instruction (e.g. "Write the note name underneath each note")

A staff with notes on it with an underscore character or two exactly under each note (I guess treating them as lyrics), leaving sufficient space for
the letter name to be written.

Another text instruction ("Put the correct note above each letter")

A blank staff with letter names evenly spaced underneath (or between the
treble and bass staves).

Any guidance gratefully received.


- guy

Certainly, \markup blocks can be written outside of a \score block. So you could create a simple file like:
\paper { ragged-right=##f indent = 0 }
\layout { \context { \Score \remove Bar_engraver } }
\markup "Write the note name underneath each note"
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = practice \relative c' { c2 d e f g a b c }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto practice \lyricmode { _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ }

\markup "Put the correct note above each letter"
\score {
\new Staff \new Voice = practice \relative c' { \hideNotes c2 d e f g a b c }
      \new Lyrics \lyricsto practice \lyricmode { C D E F G A B C }

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