2008/11/16 Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> There is a point in the development course from stable to next stable,
>> where people should move to the current development release and forget
>> the old one. These days too many people uses 2.10 and its old
>> documentation. If a new user wants to start using LilyPond, I
>> undoubtedly send him to current 2.11 which is almost 2.12, because not
>> doing so involves
>> - all you learn about 2.10 will become obsolete shortly.

I meant: all that is specific to 2.10 only.

> I imagine that the reason many people still start out with 2.10.33 (on Linux
> at least) is because 2.10.33 is the version in the repositories or is even
> pre-installed in the distro (e.g. Ubuntu Studio).

packagers seem to be very quickie people when we talk about Firefox
and others, but very slow with regards to LP. Many apps I have in
Ubuntu as standard are pre-1.0 versions and they update frequently.

> For these cases there
> should perhaps be a warning about correct un-installation of the old version
> through the distro's package manager before trying to install the new
> version.  I recall once having troubles when I didn't uninstall the old
> version properly.

I could report about a case that required remove, purge _and_ manually
delete several directories before 2.11 accepts to install without any

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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