(moved to lilypond-user)
On Sun, 2008-11-23 at 16:09 -0500, Dan Eble wrote:
> Does anyone know why the variables that control horizontal spacing  
> (base-shortest-duration, shortest-duration-space, extra-spacing-width)  
> would have no effect when the page-breaking function is set to ly:page- 
> turn-breaking?  With 2.11, some of my music is spaced incredibly  
> tightly and I can't find a way to change it.

It's a little hard to tell without an example, but it sounds like
lilypond is refusing to give things more space because that would make
for a bad page turn. The page-turn-breaking function treats the
page-turns with higher priority than anything else, even if the
horizontal spacing is really bad. However, it should still use the
horizontal spacing settings to choose a good configuration. Does adding
\allowPageTurn in appropriate places help?


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